Reviews Philips & Marantz cdplayers

Welcome to our reviews page! Here, you'll find in-depth reviews of vintage Philips and Marantz CD players and DACs.

We've taken the time to thoroughly test and evaluate each piece of equipment, and provide our honest opinions to help you in your search for the perfect vintage audio gear. Whether you're a collector, audiophile, or just have an interest in the history of CD players, you'll find something here for you. Enjoy reading!

The Marantz CD 17 KI Signature is the perfect embodiment of the Marantz philosophy - the constant striving for that little bit extra. Last year...
The ISP Sound Enhancer consists of two versions: a consumer version and a professional version. The consumer version costs 1900 dollar, the professional one...
If you are looking for all the bells and whistles that can possibly be incorporated in a CD player, the Marantz CD73 is probably not for you...

The Dutch inventor of the Compact Disc introduces the Professional LHH2000 Compact Disc player. The professional model for 35,000 Deutsche Mark...

There's a definite, if still small, trend toward two-piece, no-holds-barred CD players. Philips' version, the limited-edition Philips LHH-1000...

In recent years, most audio components have benefited, at least to some degree, from the use of digital circuitry...

According to Philips, the LHH designation is applied only to the company's most technically sophisticated consumer and...

Ever since their joint development for the CD format (with Sony) Philips have maintained a dominant position in the sales figures...

Last autumn Philips introduced four new CD players, rang ing from the budget—but reportedly very acceptable—model CD380...

First in the field with CD players, Philips have not exactly rushed into the promotion of machines capable of being loaded with multidisc cartridges...

The high point of interest in this latest player from Philips, not sur prisingly, is its reliance on their new Bitstream decoding system...

As inventors of the Compact Disc forma Philips were naturally the first in the field with CD players though an avalanche...

IN our July 1985 issue I drew attention to an announcement by Philips of new mechanisms and integrated circuits for CD players which...

The new Philips CD family includes the Philips CD104, Philips CD204 and the Philips CD304 remote control model...

Having invented the Compact Disc system, Philips have naturally been in the forefront of the subsequent developments affecting...

True to their promise, the Philips I UK people have delivered to me a first sample recorder for their new DCC (Digital Compact Cassette) ...

Talk of the demise of CD is just a tad premature and to prove it Marantz has built a new flagship...

Toen de Marantz CD-7 in 1998 eigenlijk min of meer onopgemerkt op de markt kwam, was het al weer enige tijd geleden dat Marantz...

With a chipset culled from the mid-nineteen eighties, Marantz CD-7 has to be the world's first retro Compact Disc player....

"Je hoort van die argumenten dat de hoeveelheden van 16 bits of 44,1 kHz sampling niet voldoende zijn. Maar zo veel van die...

Since the arrival of the compact disc 25 years ago, Ken Kessler has listened to scores of CD players in his system. He's kept...

Bravery in hi-fi usually means having the nerve to release something which looks unlike everything else. Slope-fronted...

Marantz has made a habbit of producing excellent CD players, Jonathan Kettle asks whether the latest of the company's high-end models is as outstanding...

Conventional wisdom tells us that CD players can only have gotten better, and that any 1994 player will 'blow away' any from, say, 1989...

Marantz's broad palette is also evidenced in its small but important involvement in professional audio, from the...

With the Marantz CD94 starting to get a bit long in the tooth and with a unfilled market slot in the 500 pounds region, other manufacturers w...

The name Marantz has been associated with hi-fl for many years. Started in America by Saul Marantz it quickly established a fine rep...

The Marantz 17 system looks very impressive in its new silver finish: from the top, tuner, CD player and amp The latest versions...

With the Marantz CD94 starting to get a bit long in the tooth and with a unfilled market slot in the 500 pounds region, other manufacturers...

Marantz is one of those few companies that has managed to succeed in the mainstream while making strides down the audiophile path...

"What's this," I hear you cry, "another Marantz CD player?" It's true that Marantz seems to enjoy offering plenty of choice, likes to share new...

Top quality copies are on offer from this 2,1200 CD recorder, says Andrew Everard: that's the plan at Marantz, where no fewer...

THE SE in the title of this machine stands for Special Edition, as shown on a fortunately small but rather florid badge on the disc...

Pointing out the confusion in the low-end CD marketplace, Paul Miller showed how chaos reigns when too many manufacturers...

KNOWLEDGEABLE readers will need no reminding that Marantz are effectively Philips owned and therefore, whilst much Marantz...

This is a front-loading player in which the disc I spins in the horizontal plane. So the height has been kept to a slim 80mm, though...

Marantz's ambassador is really spoiling us Only the subtle KI-Signature badges distinguish the CD player and amp from standard...

A long, long time ago, in a galaxy far, far away ... a company named Marantz introduced a series of CD players named CD43, CD53...

Some issues ago, I reviewed Marantz's millennium model CD 6000; I was sorry then not to have its bigger brother available for review...
